Sunday, November 1, 2020

I'll just shelf this one for later.

Since using the stock front grip pin on my CETME makes it a machine gun by default, I am going the standard route for semi-auto HKs and replacing the front grip pin with a shelf welded on the receiver so that an unmodified full auto grip cannot be installed, with a matching shelf welded into the grip assembly.  Conveniently, this is the same method HK used on the real PSG-1 so I won't have to put a fake pin in like a lot of people do.  Since it was always intended to be a semi-auto marksman's rifle, the PSG-1 was set up from the get go with a semi shelf already installed.  Since I'm cheap, I decided to make my own shelf on the mill even though they are commercially available.  To locate the shelf on the receiver, I printed up a locating jig that is available on Thingiverse.  

The grip assembly needs to have a matching shelf welded into it.  I made one out of a piece of angle iron I had laying around.  I also made sure that the modified trigger box fit with the shelf in place before I welded everything.  In hindsight, I should probably have milled one that looks nicer, but it works fine and didn't take long to make.

With those pieces welded in, I could start fitting things together, and it's finally starting to look like something.


  1. I'm trying to weld up my front pin for my paddle, as I'm going to go for the no full auto route for the paddle release, I've got my receiver all clamped up and I noticed my paddle release will not fit in between the receiver? I know if I release pressure from the clamp I'll end up with a huge gap especially with the use of the bushing which will make it even more wider.

    1. I can't help you with that one. I'd not using the paddle release so I didn't even try the parts in the receiver to see how they fit. My next next build will probably use the release, but who know when I'll get to it.
